Nexus Guitars
Jacek Kobylski
phone +48 609 643 044
skype: jaceknexus
05-820 Piastów
ul. Norwida 10
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I proudly present my newest inventions
Z dumą przedstawiam moje najnowsze wynalazki
The concept for Nexus Sphere Bridge, and then a whole bridge around it, came to me in 2004. I developed it for few consecutive years, methodically solving all the problems occurring when you move from theory to an actual design. For the question: "what is the most precious resource in an instrument design?" There is only one answer: energy. This is what we try to preserve at every step of the construction process - from wood selection and drying to a whole instrument. The less we loose, the stronger the stronger the energy efficiency hitting the pickups. Of course instrument ergonomy and aesthetics play a vital role in design but here I'd rather focus on physical aspects of my Sphere bridge. Until now, bridge saddles in all guitars and basses were based on either cylinder or cuboid. They both suffer from a common mistake - parallel reflection. But what if we based our saddle on a solid shape that goes around ( wink wink ) the problem - a sphere? Another profit from using such shape would be the energy transfer from a string to the saddle. Think about it - all the energy from the string transfers to the sphere and then through the mounting onto the anchoring plate - and the body, without any parallel reflection and interfering waves. This should cause a stronger sound with more sustain. You can feel the difference without plugging the instrument, just with your body. The whole thing shivers! In my humble opinion, the spherical saddle threaded to an anchoring plate is not only an elegant concept, but a design deeply rooted in theoretical physics. My innovation also lends itself as a proof that there is an uncharted territory in instrument design. There is much to discover, many ways to scientifically improve the existing solutions and introduce the old to modern standards.
Jacek Kobylski
Added low strings have a tendency to feel (and sound) loose. Heavier strings get darker and less selective. This gets unbearable when playing, even worse when recording.
LoFreq Contour System utilizes long known physics laws. In this case the most important one is the Helmholtz rule of energy conservation in mechanical structures, and two energy types related to it. Vis viva and tension energy, in today's terms potential and kinetic energy. For our LFC System, the potential energy is represented in actuated brass pipes and brass blocks inserted under pickups, and strings represent the kinetic energy.
Thanks to my design we deliver a controlled amount of energy into a closed system (instrument ) this greatly improves definition of added low strings and makes the sound more selective.
Jacek Kobylski
System Konturowania Niskich Częstotliwości korzysta z udokumentowanych praw fizyki.
W tym wypadku do zrozumienia jego działania służy Prawo Zachowania Energii Helmholtza w układach mechanicznych,
i dwie z nim związane siły. Pierwsza z nich - vis viva, to w dzisiejszej fizyce energia kinetyczna, druga - Siła Napięcia w dzisiejszej fizyce nazwana Energią Potencjalną, gdzie dla Systemu Konturowania Niskich Częstotliwości zdynamizowane przezemnie rurki mosiężne,
i bloki pod przetwornikami, są Energią Potencjalną, a struny Energją Kinetyczną.
Dzięki czemu wprowadziłem do układu zamknietego ,jakim jest instrument, dodatkową kontrolowaną wartość energetyczną, która w znacznym stopniu pomaga wyżej wymienionym strunom, w osiągnięciu i podtrzymaniu pożądanej energii, oodbieranej przez przetworniki.